Abu Dhabi, Ras Al Khaimah and a quick hop across to Oman (Sep 2015)
Back to the Middle East and I must admit that after Asia, it is fast becoming my favourite continent. The couresty, sense of safety and interesting aspects of the Arabian culture mean I feel at ease here. What I can’t get accustomed to though is the heat! I’m not a fan on anything over twenty two degrees generally, but unlike in the Caribbean where there is at least a lovely breeze blowing UAE has a very dry, humid dessert heat. So first night in Abu Dhabi I felt like doing very little after arriving at the hotel just before nine pm. Thankfully there was a restaurant serving shawarma just opposite the hotel so that did nicely for a quick, light bite before bed. The next morning the full force of the uncomfortable heat hit me and so I chickened out in one of the many malls the city centre has to offer, The Abu Dhabi Mall , which was a six minute walk from the hotel (of course I used an umbrella for shade). Not much in way of the local items I wanted to purchase so after hidin...