A Day On The Lake (Lake District Aug 2017)

The good news is I made it to the Lake District ! The bad news is a bad case of Vertigo (so says the doctor) attacked me a couple days prior and thus it wasn’t quite the adventure I had hoped. I settled for the exploration of one lake - Windermere . My initial plan was to do a boat cruise in conjunction with one of the four mile walks but as I had been warned to ‘take it easy’ and my dad wasn’t sure if he could do the entire walk, I decided we’d spend most of the day on the lake. We booked the Freedom of the Lakes pass allowing for any combination of boat tours (and a train ride) and commenced with a cruise from Ambleside to Lakeside. Lake Winderemere (which I later learned was a mere not a lake) is the largest in the Lake District. The boat stopped briefly at Bowness to pick up and drop off passengers before making its way to Lakeside. I noted if I did this lake again that was where I’d commence my journey as it was a lot livelier than Ambleside. Once there, ...