
Was just about to start blogging on my Budapest trip and realized I hadn’t written anything about Barcelona (March 2012)! Years ago, while on holiday to another part of Spain, I did a day trip to Barcelona. The only things I remember are the Hagan Dazs café and an C&A, (as all the branches in the UK had been closed for years). Barcelona is a lovely city, beautiful architecture, in some of which Gaudi’s influence can be clearly seen. None so much as La Sargrada Familia. My personal opinion is that it’s far more impressive from the outside and the inside is a disappointment. But hey, I’m no expert so if you’re ever in the city, decide for yourself. Eating was also delightful, yes, another one of my favourite activities while abroad. Tapas restaurants on every corner, fresh seafood. A walking tour in any city is usually a good idea and a great chance for orientation. If you’re a football fan then it’s worth a visit to the Barcelona football grounds – and the museum. If you’re not ….. Never knew Barcelona had it’s own Arc De Triomf. A visit to the musical fountain in the evening is well worth it - wrap up warm if it's a windy night.


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